Wandering Minyan Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Potluck
Wandering Minyan is an independent, participatory, lay-led minyan that meets in members' homes. Potluck follows at 8:15. Click Here to email for the location of this month's service and to RSVP.
Wandering Minyan is an independent, participatory, lay-led minyan that meets in members' homes. Potluck follows at 8:15. Click Here to email for the location of this month's service and to RSVP.
All are welcome and can purchase tickets. The service will be followed by a potluck oneg/dessert. Ticketing information can be found here.
Help wanted for set-up and clean up. Please email info@kolhalev.org to volunteer
Community Hall--Dell Jewish Community Center 8:00-9:15 Bagel Brunch preceding service 9:30-11:00 Morning Service Tashlich - symbolic casting out of our mistakes into the water at Bull Creek Park following service Click here for ticketing information.